Important Resources
Jackson County Citizen Alert
Get notified about emergencies and other community alerts via your home phone, cell phone, text message, or email by signing up for our Citizen Alert Program.
This notification system helps local officials provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations such as fire, flood, unexpected road closures, missing persons, and evacuation of buildings or neighborhoods.
In the event of an emergency, local officials will use the Citizen Alert system's emergency notification function to call homes and businesses in the affected area. This function will only call landline phones. If you do not have a landline phone, you will not be notified unless you register another contact option! If you register other contact options, such as your cell phone, work phone, or email, you can be notified even when you're not at home.
You specify how you want to be contacted. For example, you can tell the system to call your cell phone and work phones, or just text your phone or send an email. Whichever form of communication works best for you! You can also specify multiple locations in Jackson County you care about, such as your house, your parent's house, or your kids' school.
We can't alert you if we can't reach you, so sign up today!

Jackson County Disaster Registry
Would you need special help in an emergency?
You might want to apply to be in the Disaster Registry if in the case of a flood, forest fire, or other disasters you or someone you care for would:
Need outside help to safely leave your home during a disaster
Be in jeopardy if you stayed in your home, without assistance, for three days
Need special notification about the need for evacuation, due to impairment
The Disaster Registry provides the names and locations of people who need special assistance to fire, police, health, and rescue workers. Being on the Disaster Registry does not guarantee that you’ll get help first in a disaster. There are so many needs during a disaster that our firefighters and police can’t help everyone at once. But if your name is in the Disaster Registry, they will know of your need for special assistance.
If you want to be on the Disaster Registry, or if you want someone for whom you are legally responsible to be on it, please complete a registration form.
Mail or Fax the Disaster Registry application, download and print the form below, fill it out, and mail it to this address:
SDS RVCOG Disaster Registry
PO Box 3275
Central Point, OR 97502
or Fax to (541) 664-7927.
Once we receive your application, it may take three months or more for your information to be available to rescue workers. If you have any questions about the Disaster Registry, please call Senior & Disability Services of Rogue Valley Council of Governments at (541) 664-6674.
Please remember:
Even if you are on the Disaster Registry, you should call 911 if you find yourself in a life-threatening situation.